A few years later

I was playing with a relative and he gave me a blue chip pick. Initially I couldn't get over the price, but instantly fell in love with the pick. I couldn't imagine using cheaper picks again. It stuck with me and I started trying to make my own.


The year i graduated from Medical School and started training as a resident in Pediatric Medicine. This is when my guitar went into deep freeze and i didn't see much of it for a few years.


We started making all kinds of sample designs with different materials. We tried a few different kinds of manufacturing methods and materials before we found a method to bring high end plectrums into something a little bit more affordable.


We launched out etsy site in 2024 and started sending out samples to anyone we thought might like them. I have to be honest, its incredibly satisfying to have someone like something you made with your hands and creativity. Other jobs i've worked i'm too far removed from the customer, or the customer's expectations are so high they take the hard work for granted.


The year I was born. Nothing much to say about it. I might have choked on one of my dad's cheap guitar picks but I don't remember to be honest.

“We made the guitar pick you didn't know you needed”
Plectra Designs